Vendor Download
To download each file, please right-click on the following links and select "Save Target As" or "Save As" depending on your browser.
All Translation Customers:
Place vendor.dat in your BWCKEY or WINKEY or TransX folder, depending on your installation.
File---> vendor.dat
For information only, this spreadsheet contains all valid vendor, product, version contained in vendor.dat. Maintenance of is discontinued.
File---> vendor.xls
KeyLink Users:
Place scandb_kl.fs in your BWCKEY\TOOLKIT or WINKEY\TOOLKIT folder and rename it to scandb.fs
File---> scandb_kl.fs
Transformation Xpress Users:
Place scandb_tx.fs in your TransX\TOOLKIT folder and rename it to scandb.fs
File---> scandb_tx.fs
Updates are posted quarterly.
Last Update: 05/30/2024
To request additions to vendor.dat, please contact your Ivans Service Exec or call 1-855-233-9128 and choose Support. You may also request by e-mailing